How to send media Large Media files on WhatsApp 2021 (5 easy steps)

How to send media Large Media files on WhatsApp 2021 (5 easy steps)

WhatsApp image
WhatsApp, one of the best messaging apps has great functionalities including the ability to share media files like photos and videos. But WhatsApp has a size limit of 17MB on photos and videos you can share.
If you want to share media files larger than 17MB on WhatsApp, you can do that using the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the file you want to share is saved to your device (in a location and folder that is easy to access)
  2. Open WhatsApp and select the contact with whom you want to share the file.
  3. In the chat thread, tap the Attach icon (📎),  tap Document
  4. Locate the file in the location which you saved it, tap it to select
  5. Tap Send to share the large file.

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