
Twitter Bots List

Twitter is one of the largest social media in the world today, having about 330 million users active monthly. Twitter bots are a kind of bot software that controls a Twitter account via the Twitter API.The bot software may autonomously perform actions like tweeting, re-tweeting, liking, following, unfollowing, or direct messaging other accounts. Twitter Bots can automatically favorite or retweet tweets that match certain criteria. It can follow Twitter users who have tweeted a specific phrase. A brand may build an auto-reply Twitter bot that automatically responds when the brand gets a @mention on Twitter. You may have a bot that sends a DM (direct message) to users who follow you on Twitter. Here's a lit of bots on twitter that can be of great use.

1. DownloadThisVideo @This_Vid

DownloadThisVideo on Twitter

On twitter, it is possible to save images from tweets directly to your device, but in the case of videos, Twitter does not provide such functionality. The DownloadThisVideo bot is very useful as it serves this purpose. It  delivers download links for videos embedded in tweets. Through its website, you can download any video of your choice that is embedded in a tweet; all you have to do is mention DownloadThisVideo (“@this_vid”) in a reply to the tweet that contains the video you want.

The bot will reply your when your download is ready. However, Twitter bots can only send 300 automated tweets every three hours. As the DownloadThisVideo account has gained massive popularity across, it’s often affected by this limitation, thus it does not reply every tweet.

2. Send Me This Video @SendMeThisVideo

Send Me This Video

This another bot similar to DownloadThisVideo, itbasically performs the same functions, but is capable of delivering the videos straight to your inbox on WhatsApp or Telegram, once you have verified your accounts on their website.

3. Thread Reader App @threadreaderapp

Thread Reader App on Twitter

If you’re trying to follow a Twitter thread and you discover that it has too many tweets, simply reply “@threadreaderapp unroll” to any tweet by the original poster.Thread Reader App will compile the tweets, it will tweet you back with a link to a post that has pieced them all together in one place in no time. 

4. Remind me of this tweet @RemindMe_OfThis

Remind me of this tweet

RemindMe_OfThis is a very useful bot. Do you want to visit a particular tweet after a specific time duration? All you have to do is reply to the tweet and mention "@RemindMe_OfThis" with the time duration anywhere in your tweet and the bot will remind you of the tweet in the time you specify.. Examples are “@RemindMe_OfThis in 4 days“, “@RemindMe_OfThis in a year“, “@RemindMe_OfThis next month“, “@RemindMe_OfThis tomorrow night“, and “@RemindMe_OfThis December 20“.

5. Hundred Zeros @HundredZeros

Hundred Zeros

Hundred Zeros is a bot that everyone need to follow. It regularly tweets links to the eBooks that are free on Amazon. Amazon has probably the biggest collection of eBooks, thus by following Hundred Zeros you can you can benefit from the tons of free resources available on Amazon. This is a good example of a Twitter Bot which helps its followers. If you are an passionate book reader, this is going to be one of the best Twitter Bots that you can follow.

6. Dear Assistant @DearAssistant

Dear Assistant

Virtual assistants are one of the greatest innovations in recent times. The help us perform simple tasks on our devices and also help answer some tough questions. Dear Assistant like Cortana, Siri, and Google Assistant and others is an assistant that is capable of performing tasks and answering questions. If you want some of that help on Twitter DearAssistant is there to to assist you. Simply tag @DearAssistant and ask just about any question in a tweet, and it will tweet a pretty detailed response quickly. You can ask queries like the distance between two places, definition of specific terms, and things like that.

7. Netflix Bot @netflix_bot

Netflix Bot

Do you want to keep yourself updated with the latest and greatest stuff coming up on Netflix bot is surely one of those bots you'll like to follow. It tweets new releases on Netflix Instant as they happen. Perfect for all your binge-watching needs.

8. Here's your reminder @tinycarebot

"Here's you Reminder" twitter handle

Twitter can be full of so much noise, so much trends and can some times be a hateful place. Having a bot that regularly tweets basic reminders is not a bad idea.By following @tinycarebot, it can remind ou to take a break from twitter, wash your hands regularly, wear a mask, and so many other useful tips

9. DISCOVR:EPIC @dscovr_epic

Discovr:Epic twitter handle

Although the entire space is incredibly amazing and beautiful, our Earth can be considered special, for it is our true home. And what better way to start (or end) the day, than seeing that home from space? Follow the dscovr_epic bot, which tweets random images of the Earth, as captured by NASA’s DSCOVR satellite, complete with the time and location over which they are taken. The images are breathtaking. This is one of my most favourite Twitter Bot

 10. Year Progress @year_progress

Year Progress is also a fun bot to follow. It simply tweets  percentage of the current year that has passed. While this seems like something really arbitrary, getting a tweet in your feed that tells you the percentage of the year can give a bit of motivation for productivity.

Bots on twitter can really enhance our overall experience on twitter. It is one of those things you need to try. And don't forget to follow us on twitter @_techlaker for more see updates on your timeline